1 minute read


  • From this blog, I got aware of this reproducibility issue in RL i.e execution of same alogrithm in same enironment gives different results each time. It might be due different initial conditions, seeds etc for e.g. issues faced when reproducing a deep RL paper by Matthew Rahtz.

  • For which the author proposes some statistical tests and he has a written a paper about this.

May be I have to have a look on it later.


Today I did a hello world in micro-ROS. micro-ROS is used for interfacing ROS with resource constrained embedded devices. I had bought an ESP32-WROOM board since micro-ROS supports ESP, I thought of trying it and followed this post. In which I did,

  • I had compiled the int32_publisher example using idf.py(provided by ESP) and flashed it to my ESP board.

  • Then ran a micro-ROS agent(docker container) on my laptop and which recieved messages from ESP.

Messages Published

Basically we have to write a C code using ESP,micro-ROS and RTOS(FreeRTOS) libraries which then can be compiled & flashed into ESP and then it works accordingly. I had this issue with specifying the port for the agent.

Have to go through the rclc API.

I am gonna work on some project like with FreeRTOS & micro-ROS ?